
Man cross eyed in the camera.
They Insured What? The Weirdest Insurance Policies Whether it be life insurance, car insurance, or home insurance, people get coverage to protect something valuable just in case the worst were to happen. There is no telling what each person holds most valuable. So, it is no surprise that some people […]

Weirdest Insurance Policies Ever

A woman needing back-pain relief looks outside a window.
Back pain impacts your whole day. It affects how you walk, how you sit down, your ability to conduct daily tasks, and many other aspects of your life. There are multiple ways you can ease back pain. Let us examine some advice on how best to find back-pain relief. What […]

Back-Pain Relief

can pets revitalize your life
Can pets revitalize your life? Can pets revitalize your life? As it turns out, research shows that there are many benefits to keeping pets! Having a trusty animal companion, especially those of a barking or meowing variety, can play a integral part in achieving better health and longer life. Can […]

Can Pets Revitalize Your Life?

Free Time? Retirement is a well-deserved treat at the end of a long life full of hard work. While most look forward to this time in their life, some can become bored and depressed after leaving the workforce. This is why it is suggested that those in retirement find hobbies […]

Get Your Gardening On

world health day
On April 7th of each year (today), we celebrate World Health Day! The World Health Organization founded the holiday as a way to continuously bring awareness to how we can contribute to the creation of a healthy, prosperous, and long-lasting world. History of World Health Day The document that brought […]

World Health Day 2022 – Our Planet, Our Health

Aging Eyes
Aging Eye Health We all know it’s normal to see changes in your vision as you age. In fact, it happens to be more common in those 40 years of age and older. Many may start having problems seeing clearly up close, while others have problems viewing things from far […]

Proper Care for Aging Eyes and Vision