Joey Hinojosa

About Joey Hinojosa

Joey Hinojosa graduated with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism and a master's degree in mass communications. He began working at Empower Brokerage in early 2022 and enjoys being creative in his writing, photography, videography, and other projects.

A happy wife is carried by her smiling husband as he walks on the beach shore.
People new to Medicare and those already enrolled in Medicare have many questions about the federal program. The good agents, like those partnering with Empower Brokerage, will accurately answer your questions. One of the most critical questions is: When is the Open Enrollment for Medicare? The answer encompasses a wealth […]

When is the Open Enrollment for Medicare?

Two grandparents sit on a couch with their granddaughter at Christmas.
The 25th of December, Christmas day, is fast approaching. Do you have children and grandchildren coming over to your house? Are friends stopping by for a visit? How will you host and entertain these visitors? Cook Delicious Food If folks come to your house for the Christmas holiday, they probably […]

Hosting Christmas

Several walnuts sit in a bowl next to a nutcracker.
Did you know that walnuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat? They are filled with nutrients like protein, fiber, and magnesium. Walnuts are also an exceptional source of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) from plants. A serving (one ounce) of walnuts houses 2.5 grams, the most ALA […]

Wondrous Walnuts

A senior couple hold hands while standing on a balcony.
CMS Medicare Updates for 2024 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the 2024 premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts for Medicare Part A and Part B, and the 2024 Medicare Part D income-related monthly adjustment amounts for Medicare enrollees. Let’s look at some of the updates. Medicare […]

Medicare Updates 2024

Four bunches of purple grapes hang on a vine.
The size of a grape compared to other fruits may cause some people to overlook it. But do not be fooled. Grapes are a very healthy food. They are also a tasty and refreshing snack or contributor to a nutritious meal. Grapes have a variety of nutrients that your body […]

Grapes Help Your Eyes and Brain

Magnesium-rich milk is photographed.
Getting all your essential vitamins and minerals every day is vital to feeling good and living your life at an optimum level. The food you eat should provide you with the many nutrients you need. A vitamin supplement or multivitamin can also help meet your daily vitamin and mineral needs. […]

Magnesium Benefits

A grateful woman lifts her arms in the air.
Did you know that being grateful can make you healthy? Saying ‘thank you’ and appreciating those around you affects your relationships with others and positively impacts your body. The University of California, Davis Psychology Professor Dr. Robert Emmons has dedicated his career to understanding gratefulness and its benefits. In a 2015 […]

Grateful Attitude Brings Health

A family prepares for an outdoor barbecue meal.
The summer season allows you to enjoy many pleasant outdoor activities. Some of your favorite pastimes may include kayaking, hiking, nature strolls, and having a family barbecue in your backyard. Unfortunately, some familiar uninvited guests might arrive at your event. Mosquitos can disrupt the happiness of outdoor activities, but how […]

Naturally Keep Away Mosquitos