
As a senior citizen, you have seen the evolution of the digital age. With the introduction of flat-screen televisions, touchscreen cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and so much more, technology forces us to adapt or stay in the past. Because of those dramatic changes, it can seem impossible to keep up, […]

Seniors Using Technology for Better Health and Connection

Seniors learning to paint at a community center
Continuous learning is a beacon of enlightenment, proving that the notion of education having an age limit is a myth we are keen to debunk. As the golden years dawn, the horizon widens for embracing continued education, which grants benefits that extend far beyond simple knowledge gathering. Venturing into lifelong […]

Continuous Learning: The Benefits of Education for the Elderly

There are a lot of benefits that come with exercising, and this is especially true for the elderly. If you are reaching your golden years, you may want to add exercise into your daily routine. Four Types of Exercise There are four main types of exercise the elderly can do […]

Exercising in Your Golden Years

For many older adults, health issues and limitations can keep them from socializing the way they once did. Pet therapy for senior citizens is quickly becoming an uplifting experience for them. Mostly living alone, seniors can struggle with depression, loneliness, and poor physical health. Linda Anderson works with seniors in […]

Pet Therapy for Senior Citizens