
As you get older, your cognitive function can take a hit. While this decline may not stop entirely, there are ways to stimulate your brain so you maintain your reasoning skills and cognitive speed. Ultimately, your brain is like a muscle. And to maintain and grow your muscles, you must train […]

Brain Games Keep Minds Sharp

Pets Make the Best Company As you age and begin to retire, it can be challenging to find opportunities for interaction. Unfortunately, this life stage can lead to feelings of despair and loneliness. What can remedy those depressive feelings? Maybe try cuddling and caring for a furry friend! Newborn puppies are […]

Best Pets for the Elderly

Importance of visiting nursing homes
Within the last year, nursing homes all across the United States have been affected by extreme COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Nursing homes are especially vulnerable to outbreaks due to the age of the residents and the special care that they require. To make matters worse, the atmosphere of nursing homes […]

Visiting Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

There are a lot of benefits that come with exercising, and this is especially true for the elderly. If you are reaching your golden years, you may want to add exercise into your daily routine. Four Types of Exercise There are four main types of exercise the elderly can do […]

Exercising in Your Golden Years