
the Medicare and You 2021 handbook includes lots of valuable information and answers to frequently asked questions to help you feel prepared for the upcoming open enrollment period!
Understanding Medicare is no simple task. With yearly changes and several plan options, Medicare can be confusing. Luckily, the Medicare and You 2021 handbook includes lots of valuable information and answers to frequently asked questions to help you feel prepared for the upcoming open enrollment period! The Medicare and You […]

A Look at the Medicare and You 2021 Handbook

Those who live and those with relatives who live in nursing homes have gone months without seeing their loved ones, but that may end very soon, since the CMS lifted the federal visitor ban in mid-September.
When COVID-19 hit America in spring 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a nationwide ban on nearly all visitation. Those who live and those with relatives who live in nursing homes have gone months without seeing their loved ones, but that may end very soon since […]

CMS Lifts Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Facility Visitor Ban

There are several benefits of raw honey for seniors, including both physical and mental health benefits!
Honey has been used as a food, medicine, and preservative for years, but the sticky sweet liquid has many more health benefits for aging individuals. Sit back, grab a spoonful of honey, and learn about the benefits of raw honey for seniors! Physical Benefits of Honey for Seniors The most […]

Health Benefits of Raw Honey for Seniors

medicare changes in 2021
Did you know every year there are changes to Medicare? It’s true. Each year, the government makes slight adjustments to Medicare by adding or removing benefits. Below are the current changes for 2021 from the Medicare and You Handbook for 2021. As always, consult with your Insurance agent to stay […]

Medicare Changes In 2021

drive-in during covid
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entertainment business has been suffering and people have been desperately looking for any way to get out of their homes while staying safe. Enter the drive-in movie theater, a business idea from the 1930s that is oddly perfect for just this situation. […]

Drive-In Theater During COVID-19

The recent COVID-19 pandemic shook the world’s economy, but some businesses transitioned more easily to new methods of business, largely due to their pre-existing risk management procedures.
Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Supplement plans are specifically designed to minimize the beneficiary’s financial risk in case of a medical emergency. Businesses can apply risk management strategies to protect their assets like Medicare protects yours. The recent COVID-19 pandemic shook the world’s economy, but some businesses transitioned more […]

Risk Management is Proven Key to Business Success During COVID-19

vaccine distribution
Since the beginning of the pandemic several companies, including BioNTech and Pfizer, have been racing towards creating the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine. The time when that race ends is quickly approaching with the CDC saying that limited doses could be going out to the highest risk individuals by late October. […]

Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Plans Are Being Discussed

Over 100 million Americans have experienced depression and anxiety caused by COVID-19-related burnout and stress during the current pandemic.
Since March, the coronavirus pandemic has affected countless Americans both physically and mentally. While 6.83 million Americans have suffered the physical effects of coronavirus, more than 100 million others have experienced depression and anxiety caused by COVID-19-related burnout and stress. Regardless of whether you’re feeling confused, lonely, worried, or sad, […]

COVID-19 Related Burnout and Stress

dual eligibility
Almost all Americans know that Medicare is a government-funded healthcare program for citizens over 65. Most people also know that Medicaid is the government-funded healthcare program for low-income individuals. However, most Americans are not aware that if you qualify for both programs you may be enrolled in both, this is […]

Medicare & Medicaid: Dual Eligibility

It is important for beneficiaries to re-evaluate their Medicare benefits regularly.
For years, you’ve worked hard to ensure that your family was well-taken-care-of. Now, you’re finally able to retire and are eligible for Medicare benefits. Once you sign up for Original Medicare, you’re enrolled for life; however, it is important to re-evaluate your policy regularly to make sure that you are […]

Should I Re-evaluate My Medicare Benefits?