
light therapy
Now that we are officially entering fall, the amount of sunlight that we see during the day will decrease. While there are some big advocates of the fall and winter seasons, there are also those who will begin to experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of depression […]

Understanding Light Therapy and SAD

Depression is a widespread condition and can become a daily struggle affecting many different areas of life. It is important to get help if you are experiencing signs of depression. Medicare offers coverage for depression screening and may even help you cover the costs of getting help. If you think […]

Depression Screening Through Medicare

Anti-inflammatory drugs depression
Study shows Anti-inflammatory drugs may curb depression A peer-reviewed study titled ‘Efficacy and safety of anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised, controlled trials’, set out to examine the effects of anti-inflammatory drugs on depression, such as aspirin or Ibuprophen. The […]

Study shows Anti-inflammatory drugs may curb depression