
If you’re in the mood to try something different in 2021, check out these new year’s resolution alternatives, instead!
Happy New Year! 2021 is officially here, and if you’re anything like me, your new year’s resolutions will likely disappear starting around mid-January. According to a poll from FranklinCovey and a study from the Journal of Clinical Psychology, roughly one-third of all resolutions are disregarded before February even starts. Luckily, […]

Resolution Alternatives for Your New Year Goals

These new unique mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may not only change the course of the pandemic but may also change the way vaccinations are produced in the years to come.  
The recent emergency approval and pending approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccinations provide hope that the coronavirus pandemic’s end is closer than ever before and signifies a significant step forward in medicine. These new unique mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may not only change the course of the pandemic but may […]

The Science of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Be sure to ask these important questions about Medicare plans when searching for a new policy!
Looking for new Medicare coverage for 2021? AEP is open until December 7! Be sure to ask these important questions about Medicare plans when searching for a new policy! What kind of plan is it? Medicare is a governmentally run program that provides health insurance for those aged 65 and […]

Questions About Medicare: What to Ask When Looking for Coverage