current events

The Ultimate Job Draw: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Between mixed and misleading financial reports, a staggering rise in basic living costs, a tedious post-COVID job market, and unprecedented medical inflation rates, it’s safe to say that the state of the American economy is wearing on everyone. Among the most affected groups […]

Small Business Health Insurance: Everything You Need To Know

vaccine distribution
Since the pandemic began, several companies including BioNTech and Pfizer have been working towards creating the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine. The time when that race ends is quickly approaching with the CDC saying that limited doses could be going out to the highest risk individuals by late October. With this […]

Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Discussions Continue

President Trump recently signed a $760 million deal to buy 150 million BinaxNOW tests from Abbott Laboratories.
On August 27, the Trump administration sent out an official press release stating that President Trump signed a $760 million deal to purchase 150 million BinaxNOW tests from Abbott Laboratories. These tests may help slow the spread of the virus by allowing millions of Americans to get quick COVID-19 testing […]

Trump Administration Buys 150 Million BinaxNOW Tests

In the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, hospitals in non-impacted areas are working in overdrive providing care for hospitals in the affected regions. Laura was a category 4 hurricane when it made landfall in Texas and Louisiana, causing 6 reported deaths and leaving thousands without power in the region. In order […]

CMS Waives Requirements for Hurricane-Impacted Hospitals

Convalescent plasma treatment is administered from an IV drip, as seen here. The treatment may lessen the side effects of COVID-19.
On August 23, President Trump made the announcement that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially authorized convalescent plasma therapy as a treatment for victims of COVID-19. The convalescent plasma treatment was already available across the country, yet the FDA’s authorization will make the therapy more accessible to patients nationwide. […]

Convalescent Plasma Treatment Authorized by FDA

Uber Drivers: Contractors Or Employees?
In a recent court case in California, Uber and Lyft were both ordered to reclassify their drivers from independent contractors to employees under the law. This would require a fundamental change to their entire business model and make the service largely unrecognizable. Contractor Vs Employee Before discussing if Uber drivers […]

Uber Drivers: Contractors Or Employees?

Medicare Advantage waive copay
Medicare Advantage Insurers Waiving Cost-Sharing In response to the COVID-19 emergency, many Medicare Advantage (the private-plan alternative to traditional Medicare) insurers are voluntarily waiving cost-sharing requirements for COVID-19 treatment. This cost-share waiver applies to copays, coinsurance, and deductibles. UnitedHealthcare, for example, has a $0 copy for covered primary care provider […]

Medicare Advantage Insurers Waiving Cost-Sharing