
Here, we have compiled a list of financial mistakes to avoid over age 65.
Discussing finances is historically taboo, however, it is an important part of getting older and approaching retirement. It is often hard to decide what to spend, what to save, and what to discuss with your partner or family about your financial future. As someone reaches retirement age and starts taking […]

Financial Mistakes to Avoid Over Age 65

A great way to incorporate relaxation into your daily schedule is to take up meditation, which has great benefits for seniors.
2020 has been stressful for nearly everyone, but for seniors especially. Between the fear of the coronavirus pandemic and the pressure of wading through seemingly countless negative news articles, it has been hard to catch a break in the past eight months. Throughout the chaos, however, it is important for […]

Meditation Benefits for Seniors

net-zero buildings
The consequences of climate change are becoming more obvious with catastrophic events such as the California megafires and the 9 hurricanes we have experienced in just this hurricane season alone both being linked to the gradual change to the Earth. Due to this, the public support for green initiatives has […]

Net-Zero Buildings: The Future Of Sustainability

Medigap coverage, also referred to as a Medicare Supplement plan, helps Medicare beneficiaries cover costs like co-payments and deductibles.
Medigap coverage, also referred to as a Medicare Supplement plan, helps cover costs like co-payments and deductibles that are not otherwise covered by Original Medicare. To qualify for a Medigap plan, an individual must already be enrolled in Medicare Plan A and Plan B. Those enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans […]

How do I buy Medigap coverage?

patio igloos
The restaurant industry has taken a gigantic hit since the restrictions to contain the COVID-19 epidemic were enacted. Initial take out only rules were incredibly damaging, and the continuing capacity restrictions continue to impact profits. Some restaurants have turned to unique solutions such as patio igloos to keep outdoor seating […]

Patio Igloos Could Extend Outdoor Dining Through Winter

fans world series
Major League Baseball announced this week that there will be fans allowed to be present at the National League Championship Series as well as the World Series. This comes as a surprise since this is the first time fans have been allowed in the stands since March. Capacity And Logistics […]

MLB To Allow Fans At NLCS And World Series

Doomscrolling is when someone constantly searches through social media and news website feeds looking for negative or saddening information. The amount of searching through bad news during COVID has increased dramatically and it has likely contributed to the increase in feelings of depression symptoms. Reasons For Increased Doomscrolling There are […]

Too Much Bad News During COVID-19

Along with experiencing the physical benefits of walking, Hathaway has also been able to use his 24,901-mile total to raise funds for the Mattapoisett Land Trust, an organization he helped found in the 1970s.
88-year-old Mattapoisett, Massachusetts resident Brad Hathaway finished walking the equivalent of the circumference of the Earth on October 3, after his doctor suggested he take up walking 32 years ago. Along with experiencing the physical benefits of walking, Hathaway has also been able to use his 24,901-mile total to raise […]

88-Year-Old Brad Hathaway Walks Earth’s Circumference for Mattapoisett Land Trust

agents in the pandemic
The pandemic has drastically cut down on the amount of in-person interaction all of us are having with our family and friends. Likewise, the pandemic has further cut down on the interaction we have with people providing services like insurance agents. While this is our current situation, understanding your Medicare […]

Why You Still Need An Agent In The Pandemic