
medicare changes in 2021
Did you know every year there are changes to Medicare? It’s true. Each year, the government makes slight adjustments to Medicare by adding or removing benefits. Below are the current changes for 2021 from the Medicare and You Handbook for 2021. As always, consult with your Insurance agent to stay […]

Medicare Changes In 2021

Medicare Telemedical Services Medicare telemedical services are important for a lot of seniors who are not able to make it to the doctor’s office, especially with what’s going on right now in the world. CMS is expanding its Telehealth rules and its benefits on a temporary and emergency basis. The […]

Medicare Telemedical Services

Cigna is expanding its telehealth footprint as it suits up for expansion. The company announced that it is expanding its telehealth partnership with MDLive to virtual primary care. This expansion gives greater usage of telehealth and virtual access to doctors already in behavioral health and urgent care services.  This resource […]

Telehealth Gets Expansion Through MDLive & Cigna Partnership