
Importance of visiting nursing homes
Within the last year, nursing homes all across the United States have been affected by extreme COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Nursing homes are especially vulnerable to outbreaks due to the age of the residents and the special care that they require. To make matters worse, the atmosphere of nursing homes […]

Visiting Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

There are many strategies to help you get better sleep.
Getting a good night’s sleep is sometimes easier said than done. With so many stressors and unhealthy distractions in this modern world, sleeping has become problematic for many. What a lot of people forget is that sleep is an integral part of the body’s ability to stay healthy and strong. […]

Five Tips for Restorative Sleep

The importance of black seed oil
The Perfect Remedy There are many natural plants, herbs, and spices understood to be beneficial to one’s health. Black seed oil, also known as black caraway or black cumin, has been shown to have many antioxidative properties among other incredible and surprising benefits! Up until 3 years ago, I had […]

Benefits in Using Black Seed Oil

Life Insurance Awareness Month
In case you haven’t heard, September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Life Insurance Awareness Month, otherwise known as LIAM, is a nationwide campaign that was created by Life Happens in 2004. The goal of the campaign is to ensure that everyone understands the importance of having sufficient life insurance coverage. […]

Life Insurance Awareness Month

Earthing offers incredible benefits for our health.
Earthing provides an array of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, faster healing, pain reduction, and improved sleep. But wait a second! Simply standing outside on the ground can do all this?! It may sound like nonsense, but I assure you it is very real. However, don’t just take my word […]

The Powerful Healing Benefits of Earthing

back pain
Every single movement you make involves your spine somehow. Because of this, pulling a muscle reaching the top shelf at the grocery store, tying your shoes, or simply sleeping wrong can leave you with debilitating back pain. Because our backs are regularly undergoing pulls and aches and strains and tweaks, […]

How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Serious

palliative care hospice care
Both palliative and hospice care offer comfort care for individuals suffering from a debilitating illness. However, the outcomes of both care options differ slightly. Hospice care is offered as an option to patients who have no intention of curing their illnesses, and wish to pass on as peacefully and painlessly […]

Comparing Palliative and Hospice Care

good and bad debt
It has been ingrained in us that “debt” is a bad word and should be avoided at all costs. However, paradoxically, there are some forms of debt that can help you make more money in the long run, not less. If you want to make better financial decisions, you should […]

What You Should Know About Good and Bad Debt

If you go through the spice cabinets of an average home, you are most likely going to find ginger. It is a staple in many recipes, but it has also been commonly used as a natural health supplement. Whether it’s being used as an addition to your favorite meal or […]

Ginger: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits