Brittany Herring

About Brittany Herring

Born and raised in Houston, TX, Brittany made the move to Dallas, TX to expand her marketing career. As a 2019 business marketing graduate from Stephen F. Austin State University with a background in social media, Brittany joined Empower Brokerage in the summer of 2021 serving as a Marketing Specialist and RSD Liason.

Aging Eyes
Aging Eye Health We all know it’s normal to see changes in your vision as you age. In fact, it happens to be more common in those 40 years of age and older. Many may start having problems seeing clearly up close, while others have problems viewing things from far […]

Proper Care for Aging Eyes and Vision

Delaying retirement
Health and Financial Benefits of Delaying Retirement Retirement is a goal that everyone achieves in their own way, however, not everyone may be ready for retirement at age 65. While thinking about a retirement strategy, some may be eager to relax after many decades of working (no shame there!), but […]

Delaying Retirement Increases Wellness

Positive attitude towards aging
Attitudes Towards Aging Aging is an inevitable part of life. As you grow older, you will have developed your own attitudes and beliefs about your age, body, and mind. No matter your age, everyone will have their own ups and downs that they will have to navigate through. Your mindset […]

Aging With a Positive Mindset

Joint pain
The Importance of Joint Health Joint pain is a common but serious condition that may keep you from partaking in various day-to-day activities. Many people think of joint pain as something that only occurs in older adults, however, younger generations may also suffer from it. The key is to tend […]

How to Prevent Joint Pain

Expanding Medicaid Benefits American Healthcare In January 2014, 26 states within the U.S. elected to expand Medicaid eligibility guidelines. This permitted adults between 19-64 years of age with an annual income equaling up to 138% of the federal poverty line (FPL) the option to apply for Medicaid services. From 2014 […]

Improving U.S. Health with Medicaid

Importance of visiting nursing homes
Within the last year, nursing homes all across the United States have been affected by extreme COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Nursing homes are especially vulnerable to outbreaks due to the age of the residents and the special care that they require. To make matters worse, the atmosphere of nursing homes […]

Visiting Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

The importance of black seed oil
The Perfect Remedy There are many natural plants, herbs, and spices understood to be beneficial to one’s health. Black seed oil, also known as black caraway or black cumin, has been shown to have many antioxidative properties among other incredible and surprising benefits! Up until 3 years ago, I had […]

Benefits in Using Black Seed Oil