Monthly Archives: April 2021

Cell phones have made such significant innovations and it seems everyone has one. A smartphone allows us to have everything at our disposal. We can watch a movie, read a book, catch up on the news, talk to loved ones, do some online shopping, pay bills, etc. at any point […]

Ways to Spend Less Time on Your Smartphone

Drug-gene testing may be the answer to getting patients DNA-compatible medications. Photo by the National Cancer Institute on Unsplash.
Understanding drugs and your DNA… Did you know that a DNA sample can tell you how you’ll respond to certain drugs?  A new and increasingly popular practice called pharmacogenomic testing, or drug-gene testing, makes it possible to sequence a patient’s DNA and determine which medications will work with their body… […]

Drug-Gene Testing: Is Your DNA the Future of Pharmaceuticals?

Check out these ACA changes in the American Rescue Plan.
The recent American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes some significant changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). From now until August 15, those eligible for ACA coverage will be able to switch their health care plans and save money in the process, thanks to the expanded subsidy guidelines available […]

ACA Changes in the American Rescue Plan

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash
Coverage for Acupuncture Suffering from chronic lower back pain? While this is a frustrating situation, the good news is that Medicare Part B may cover acupuncture treatments for you. Acupuncture has long been known for its benefits of relieving muscle pain and tension and has become an increasingly popular choice […]

Medicare for Acupuncture

Restorative Yoga
  A Gentle Approach Restorative Yoga offers a gentle and more accessible approach to yoga while providing benefits such as easing muscle tension, relieving stress, and improving sleep. It is a slow quiet practice that focuses on relaxation, deep stretching, and opening your mind to a meditative state. It provides […]

Restorative Yoga

communication between the generations
Having different communication styles is to be expected between people. It is all dependent on location, the way you grew up, cultural differences, etc. There is an added layer when you take into consideration generational differences. It is not only that there are different terms and communication styles, but there […]

Difference in Communication Between the Generations

The recent approval for a Medicaid extension of postpartum benefits will likely improve the lives of many new parents on Medicaid. 
There has been much talk in the past weeks surrounding the recent American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which will provide funding and provisions to benefit industries, businesses, and individuals affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Though most of the discussion has surrounded topics like a bailout for struggling companies […]

Medicaid Extension of Postpartum Benefits Approved for 2022

Marriage and Family Therapy is currently under examination for coverage under Medicare and Medicaid. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.
The Ultimate Collective Everyone has their own idea of what a family is.  Some assert that families are tight-knit groups of blood relatives while others favor found families of friends.  There are sprawling families, sparse families, families that function as refuges, and families that feel lonely even when they’re together.  […]

Will Medicaid Pay for My Marriage and Family Therapy?