Prescription drugs

When buying health insurance, there are several options to choose from. The process can be overwhelming. Luckily, you are not alone. Selecting the right coverage for you or your family is an important decision that can greatly benefit your peace of mind, well-being, and long-term finances. To help you relax, […]

Buying Health Insurance and Useful Tips to Consider

generic brand-name drugs
As with most other products and services in the health care field, Americans spend a lot of money on medications. In 2020 alone, the United States spent 358.7 billion dollars on prescription drugs. Although generic medications account for the majority of prescriptions filled, brand-name medications are responsible for the majority […]

What is the Difference Between Generic and Brand-Name Drugs?

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
Savings Program for Medicare Part D The Extra Help program may be available to people wanting to participate in a Medicare Part D insurance plan. When someone enrolls in Medicare’s Part A and Part B medical insurance, they have the additional option of also enrolling in a Part D plan […]

Medicare Extra Help Program

No matter the product, many of us have shopped for generic brands rather than name-brands. Usually, they are a great alternative because they allow individuals to receive relatively the same product for cheaper. In the case of prescription drug plans, generic brands are popular for lowering high pharmaceutical costs. However, […]

Could generic drugs cost more than name-brands?