Part A

There is an increasing number of adults 65 and up that are choosing to stay in the workforce. This requires them to decide between continuing with their employer-sponsored insurance plan or signing up for Medicare. Let’s discuss the possibilities and determine if either option is better. More Than 20 Employees […]

What If I’m 65 and Still Working?

When enrolling in or reviewing an existing Medicare policy, make sure to be aware of the rising 2021 Medicare premiums and deductibles.
Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period is officially underway, and beneficiaries can expect a few changes for the coming year including Medicare rate increases. Beneficiaries can expect to see increases in 2021 Medicare premiums and deductibles. Medicare Part A Medicare Part A covers inpatient services like inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility (SNF), […]

2021 Medicare Premiums and Deductibles