
Senior man surprised by a scam
In an era dominated by the digital realm, scams are unfortunately becoming all too commonplace. While no one is immune to these threats, our senior population often bears the brunt of this exploitation. Why is that the case? Let us delve deep. Walk a mile in their shoes. Together, we […]

Senior Safety: Recognizing Scams

A group of people read an article mentioning "medicare expands coverage for wheelchair users."
In a monumental shift toward greater inclusivity and healthcare support for individuals with mobility issues, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced a policy change holding significant implications for wheelchair users nationwide. Under the Medicare program, durable medical equipment (DME) such as wheelchairs, both manual and powered, is […]

Medicare Expands Coverage for Power Wheelchair Users

A grateful woman lifts her arms in the air.
Did you know that being grateful can make you healthy? Saying ‘thank you’ and appreciating those around you affects your relationships with others and positively impacts your body. The University of California, Davis Psychology Professor Dr. Robert Emmons has dedicated his career to understanding gratefulness and its benefits. In a 2015 […]

Grateful Attitude Brings Health

As you get older, your cognitive function can take a hit. While this decline may not stop entirely, there are ways to stimulate your brain so you maintain your reasoning skills and cognitive speed. Ultimately, your brain is like a muscle. And to maintain and grow your muscles, you must train […]

Brain Games Keep Minds Sharp

A family prepares for an outdoor barbecue meal.
The summer season allows you to enjoy many pleasant outdoor activities. Some of your favorite pastimes may include kayaking, hiking, nature strolls, and having a family barbecue in your backyard. Unfortunately, some familiar uninvited guests might arrive at your event. Mosquitos can disrupt the happiness of outdoor activities, but how […]

Naturally Keep Away Mosquitos

If you’re planning on traveling this summer, there are probably a lot of flights in your future. And it can be hard to give up control to pilots and flight crew when your flight anxiety kicks in. This predicament becomes especially difficult when the plane begins to experience turbulence. Turbulence […]

Curing Flight Anxiety

A person's hand places a coin in a nearly empty piggy bank that sits on a bed.
Annuity Awareness Month June is Annuity Awareness Month, so let’s explore the basic kinds of annuities and why you might consider purchasing one. What is an annuity? An annuity is a contract between an insurance company and an individual, the annuitant, allowing the person to contribute funds by paying a premium, […]

Annuity Awareness Month

A couple sits in the dark and looks for something to watch on TV.
Thoughtful depictions of the elderly in media are few and far between. As the world’s elderly population increases, changes to our stories and their leading characters may be necessary. Photo provided by Storyblocks. Looking at Our Elderly in Media I believe in the lasting power of our films to incite […]

5 Elderly Stereotypes In Media