
patio igloos
The restaurant industry has taken a gigantic hit since the restrictions to contain the COVID-19 epidemic were enacted. Initial take out only rules were incredibly damaging, and the continuing capacity restrictions continue to impact profits. Some restaurants have turned to unique solutions such as patio igloos to keep outdoor seating […]

Patio Igloos Could Extend Outdoor Dining Through Winter

Along with experiencing the physical benefits of walking, Hathaway has also been able to use his 24,901-mile total to raise funds for the Mattapoisett Land Trust, an organization he helped found in the 1970s.
88-year-old Mattapoisett, Massachusetts resident Brad Hathaway finished walking the equivalent of the circumference of the Earth on October 3, after his doctor suggested he take up walking 32 years ago. Along with experiencing the physical benefits of walking, Hathaway has also been able to use his 24,901-mile total to raise […]

88-Year-Old Brad Hathaway Walks Earth’s Circumference for Mattapoisett Land Trust

drive-in during covid
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entertainment business has been suffering and people have been desperately looking for any way to get out of their homes while staying safe. Enter the drive-in movie theater, a business idea from the 1930s that is oddly perfect for just this situation. […]

Drive-In Theater During COVID-19

Over 100 million Americans have experienced depression and anxiety caused by COVID-19-related burnout and stress during the current pandemic.
Since March, the coronavirus pandemic has affected countless Americans both physically and mentally. While 6.83 million Americans have suffered the physical effects of coronavirus, more than 100 million others have experienced depression and anxiety caused by COVID-19-related burnout and stress. Regardless of whether you’re feeling confused, lonely, worried, or sad, […]

COVID-19 Related Burnout and Stress