Yearly Archives: 2020

President Trump recently announced that telehealth services will be expanded to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Medicare now covers telehealth and this means providers will be reimbursed the same way they are for in-person consultations. Communicating with one’s provider virtually allows patients to avoid office or hospital visits, where […]

Medicare Covers Telehealth

These are some of the places affected by the Coronavirus Places affected because of coronavirus: There are various places that have been affected severely and are spreading this pandemic widely. Moreover, these places have been divided into categories as per travel restrictions and suggestions. There are various conspiracy theories on […]

Places affected because of coronavirus

As the leading cause of dementia, nearly 5 million people struggle with Alzheimer’s in the U.S. Starting with memory loss and confusion, patients will then experience difficulties with speech and thinking. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s and the cause remains unknown. However, a newly discovered protein has become a […]

Early Detection of Alzheimer’s