
Empower helps retirees at Universal Studios.
DeWayne Long, the National Sales Director at Empower Brokerage, along with John Shinn, Senior Products Specialist, once again journeyed to the Orlando theme park to help educate their senior employees (aged 60+) about their Medicare options. Universal Studios insures over twenty-six thousand employees with Cigna Group Health Insurance. Of those […]

Empower Invited Back to Universal Studios

About 36,000 retired teachers and their dependents abandoned their state-created health insurance system this year after Texas officials enacted higher deductibles and premiums. Most of the retirees who left were 65 or older and opted to choose cheaper Medicare plans elsewhere, putting the Teacher Retirement System of Texas’ health insurance […]

Thousands of Retired Teachers Leaving Their Healthcare System

The Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is a pension plan developed to provide retirement benefits for employees of public schools, colleges, and universities. The State of Texas supports and manages the multi-billion dollar fund and periodically makes changes to contributions. TRS-Care is one of the benefits of the plan, […]

TRS Care Drastically Changes Coverage 2018

The core idea behind retirement is to relax after working hard, but you may be surprised to experience some newfound sources of stress. Retirement is a huge life transition, just as marriage, children, and starting a new career. With any of these transitions comes uncertainty. This major milestone may leave […]

Retirement Transition Struggles and How to Handle Them