health insurance

Knowing the differences between Medicare Supplements F, G, and N will help you determine if supplemental coverage is right for you. Photo by Storyblocks.
What is Medicare and Why Do People Need Medicare Supplements? Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily designed for Americans aged 65 and older. While some younger individuals qualify due to disability, the program mainly serves those transitioning into retirement, ensuring they have access to affordable healthcare. Original Medicare […]

Medicare Supplement Breakdown: Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N

The Ultimate Job Draw: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Between mixed and misleading financial reports, a staggering rise in basic living costs, a tedious post-COVID job market, and unprecedented medical inflation rates, it’s safe to say that the state of the American economy is wearing on everyone. Among the most affected groups […]

Small Business Health Insurance: Everything You Need To Know

When buying health insurance, there are several options to choose from. The process can be overwhelming. Luckily, you are not alone. Selecting the right coverage for you or your family is an important decision that can greatly benefit your peace of mind, well-being, and long-term finances. To help you relax, […]

Buying Health Insurance and Useful Tips to Consider

Man cross eyed in the camera.
They Insured What? The Weirdest Insurance Policies Whether it be life insurance, car insurance, or home insurance, people get coverage to protect something valuable just in case the worst were to happen. There is no telling what each person holds most valuable. So, it is no surprise that some people […]

Weirdest Insurance Policies Ever

Expanding Medicaid Benefits American Healthcare In January 2014, 26 states within the U.S. elected to expand Medicaid eligibility guidelines. This permitted adults between 19-64 years of age with an annual income equaling up to 138% of the federal poverty line (FPL) the option to apply for Medicaid services. From 2014 […]

Improving U.S. Health with Medicaid

Receive therapy for less with the sliding scale payment system. Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.
The Cost In today’s increasingly distressing world, more people than ever before are seeking professional mental health diagnosis and treatment.  However, with insured and uninsured patients alike having to pay upwards of $100 per session (maybe MORE), many who desperately need the help decide to go without.  The worst part?  […]

How to Get Therapy FOR LESS: The Sliding Scale