
Parts of the country have been experiencing record-breaking temperatures. While everyone is feeling the effects of the heat, individuals with diabetes are especially at risk. Having both diabetes and extreme heat can be a dangerous combination. Heat and moderate-to-high physical activity may cause excessive sweating, dehydration, and glucose spikes. People […]

Why Having Diabetes in Extreme Heat Can Be Dangerous

Alzheimer's and dementia
Although the terms are frequently related, dementia and Alzheimer’s are not the same. Dementia is an overarching term used to describe symptoms that impact a person’s memory, the performance of daily activities, and ability to communicate. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. As time goes on, Alzheimer’s […]

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Compared

If you are someone who wants to improve their writing skills, check out these four tips to improve your grammar skills!
Grammar: it was either your bread and butter or the bane of your existence in school. Regardless of how you felt, though, grammar was hard to learn! With ever-changing dialects and ideals of “proper” speech, it can be difficult to ensure that you are crafting quality, legible content. If you […]

Four Tips to Improve Your Grammar Skills

New research reveals that dinosaurs were struggling to survive long before the K-T extinction event (asteroid strike).  
For years, kids have been taught that the dinosaurs were likely wiped out by an asteroid strike that hit present-day Mexico around 66 million years ago. The image presented is one of a thriving dinosaur society entirely wiped out almost overnight, as the asteroid barreled through the atmosphere at the […]

Dinosaurs Were Struggling to Survive Before Asteroid Strike

With hurricane season kicking off, we are already seeing storms hit certain parts of the nation. Whether or not you live in an affected area, understanding how to prepare for a hurricane is important. There is not much you can do to stop a natural event from occurring, but the […]

A Guide to Hurricane Preparedness

health information
The internet has been a saving grace with its quick access to information. This has been especially true with health information. The only problem with the internet is that everyone can be a contributor. Meaning that not all information is going to be reliable and accurate. So, how will you […]

Identifying Reliable Health Information

generic brand-name drugs
As with most other products and services in the health care field, Americans spend a lot of money on medications. In 2020 alone, the United States spent 358.7 billion dollars on prescription drugs. Although generic medications account for the majority of prescriptions filled, brand-name medications are responsible for the majority […]

What is the Difference Between Generic and Brand-Name Drugs?

assisted living
Accepting that your parents are getting older and may need assisted living can be hard. You may start to notice that they require more help doing normal activities. For example, they may no longer be able to move around their house on their own. However, not all signs are so […]

How to Know When Your Parents Require Assisted Living

Opioid Treatment Program
Help may be available for those struggling with opioid addiction through Medicare coverage. The ongoing American opioid crisis has raged for years, and many organizations are working to help end the trend. Medicare may help to cover the costs of opioid use disorder treatment. Individuals on Medicare may find covered […]

American Opioid Crisis and Help from Medicare

chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a neurological illness that can occur at any age. It manifests through extreme fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, exercise intolerance, and “brain fog.” As with most illnesses, CFS is unique to each patient and causes everyone to experience different symptoms at […]

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)