Jose Lerma

About Jose Lerma

Jose has been a career agent working with Empower Brokerage since 2021 helping clients from all walks of life find tailored solutions for their healthcare needs. He is passionate about helping people fulfill their dreams and helping clients live a more empowered existence. 

Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels
Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for SKYCLARYS™ (omaveloxolone) to treat Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) in adults and adolescents aged 16 years and older. This development is crucial for the approximately 5,000 diagnosed patients in the United States with this ultra-rare, inherited neuro-degenerative disorder, commonly diagnosed during […]

Reata Gains Approval

Every drop counts when it comes to national blood donor month.
National Blood Donor Month is in January and helps create awareness of the importance of blood donation in saving lives every day. It is a time to recognize and celebrate the selfless individuals who contribute to the blood supply by donating blood. The observance was established in 1970 to increase public awareness […]

National Blood Donor Month

Medications covered under a prescription drug coverage plan.
Do I really need prescription drug coverage? “I don’t need prescription drug coverage because I don’t take any medications!” “I get my medications cheaper without a plan!” “Why do I need to pay extra money if I have GoodRx?” There are many replies you may tell yourself as to why […]

Do I Need Prescription Drug Coverage?

3 myths about medicare thumbnail
The Medicare program has provided health coverage for older Americans since being signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Millions of Americans rely on these plans to supply health benefits, but unfortunately, myths about Medicare have persisted ever since becoming law. To make the most of your Medicare benefits […]

3 Myths about Medicare

More than 131 million people use prescription drugs. If you have ever been in a pharmacy, you probably have been asked about taking generic medication. Sixty-six percent of all adults in the United States use prescription drugs. Older people and those with chronic conditions utilize these drugs at a particularly high rate. […]

Should I Use Generic Medication?

Medicare Supplement Rate Increases
What If My Medicare Supplement Rates Increase? Medicare Supplement plans, like any other insurance, increase yearly. Rare instances occur where there is no increase, and the rate will stay the same or decrease. Unfortunately, this is not the norm. Rates tend to go up over time because of the enrollee’s age, […]

What If My Medicare Supplement Rates Increase?