Medicare changes

A happy wife is carried by her smiling husband as he walks on the beach shore.
People new to Medicare and those already enrolled in Medicare have many questions about the federal program. The good agents, like those partnering with Empower Brokerage, will accurately answer your questions. One of the most critical questions is: When is the Open Enrollment for Medicare? The answer encompasses a wealth […]

When is the Open Enrollment for Medicare?

Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash
Extension Announcement The hardships brought on by the ongoing pandemic have brought about changes in the 2021 Special Enrollment Period for Marketplace health insurance. President Biden announced towards the end of March that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would be extending the Special Enrollment Period to August 15, […]

Special Enrollment Period Extension

The CMS’s Geographic Direct Contracting Model, also known as Geo, will allow some private carriers to offer Original Medicare coverage to a select number of enrollees.
Traditionally, Original Medicare has only been offered through the federal government, but that may soon change since the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to start phase one of testing for the Geographic Direct Contracting Model in 2022. The CMS’s Geographic Direct Contracting Model, also known as Geo, […]

CMS to Begin Geographic Direct Contracting Model by 2022

Medicare 5-Star Plans From CMS for 2021 CMS uses a 5-Star rating system to measure how well Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D plans perform. They use information from member satisfaction surveys, plans, and health care providers to give an overall performance star rating to plans, according to Ratings […]

What Are Medicare 5-Star Plans And Why Are They Important?