
A love sign and a couple are photographed on back-to-back park benches.
5 Golden Hollywood Romantic Comedies February is often associated with Valentine’s Day, romance, gifts of chocolates and cards that exchange loved ones’ hands, and maybe romantic-comedy films. Although currently an endangered species in modern-day Hollywood, romantic comedies once dominated the silver screen from the film industry’s inception to as recently as the […]

5 Golden Romantic Comedies

Most individuals look forward to their retirement because it is when they have planned to start or continue traveling. There is no more PTO to request. And hopefully, money is no longer an issue because you have accumulated a hefty nest egg to fund these trips. The only thing left to […]

Avoiding Travel Scams

Lettered tiles are arranged in a random way on a game board.
Games Make Your Mind Sharp Did you know that playing specific games can make your mind sharp? Keeping your brain active and solving problems benefits your mind’s health. Sudoku keeps your mind sharp Sudoku features a nine-by-nine grid of blank spaces and number-occupied spaces. The player must fill the empty […]

Games Make Your Mind Sharp

Pets Make the Best Company As you age and begin to retire, it can be challenging to find opportunities for interaction. Unfortunately, this life stage can lead to feelings of despair and loneliness. What can remedy those depressive feelings? Maybe try cuddling and caring for a furry friend! Newborn puppies are […]

Best Pets for the Elderly

Papaya slices on a cutting board are seen.
Purposeful Papayas Papayas are delicious fruits with many health benefits. The fruit is native to Central America, but today, the fruit grows around the world. The fruit is cylindrically shaped or spherical. Papayas begin to ripen when they appear about 50% yellow and 50% green. Slicing ripe papaya in half […]

Purposeful Papayas

Medications covered under a prescription drug coverage plan.
Do I really need prescription drug coverage? “I don’t need prescription drug coverage because I don’t take any medications!” “I get my medications cheaper without a plan!” “Why do I need to pay extra money if I have GoodRx?” There are many replies you may tell yourself as to why […]

Do I Need Prescription Drug Coverage?

A dinner table is set by candelight.
Thanksgiving has many traditional dishes. Turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie are a few of the foods many people enjoy on the last Thursday of November. Would you like to try baking some unique Thanksgiving dishes? Unique Thanksgiving Dish #1 Pull-Apart Garlic Bread Traditional bread rolls are always tasty, but you […]

3 Unique Thanksgiving Dishes

A sliced pomegranate is seen.
Pomegranate Benefits Everyone is looking for a miracle food that will provide health benefits, and pomegranates are near the top of the list of most nourishing fruits. Pomegranates flourish well in a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and cool winters. The fruit prospers in its native lands, the Middle East, and […]

Pomegranate Benefits

The Harsh Truth of Tooth Loss Unfortunately, losing teeth can be a harsh reality for most older individuals. According to the CDC, nearly one in five adults 65 and older has lost all their teeth. Complete tooth loss is twice as likely among adults 75 and older (26%) compared to adults […]

Preventing Tooth Loss As You Age

An elderly man kisses his wife while she leans in and hugs him.
Health insurance can be confusing for many people. You might wonder whom you can trust with your personal information. Empower Brokerage has friendly licensed agents that assist you in finding the right plan for you. Let’s examine a few common questions and answers about when you can first enroll in […]

When can I enroll in Medicare?