
medicare changes in 2021
Did you know every year there are changes to Medicare? It’s true. Each year, the government makes slight adjustments to Medicare by adding or removing benefits. Below are the current changes for 2021 from the Medicare and You Handbook for 2021. As always, consult with your Insurance agent to stay […]

Medicare Changes In 2021

It is important for beneficiaries to re-evaluate their Medicare benefits regularly.
For years, you’ve worked hard to ensure that your family was taken care of. Now, you’re finally able to retire and are eligible for Medicare benefits. Once you sign up for Original Medicare, you’re enrolled for life; however, it is important to re-evaluate your policy regularly to make sure that […]

Should I Re-evaluate My Medicare Benefits?

In the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, hospitals in non-impacted areas are working in overdrive providing care for hospitals in the affected regions. Laura was a category 4 hurricane when it made landfall in Texas and Louisiana, causing 6 reported deaths and leaving thousands without power in the region. In order […]

CMS Waives Requirements for Hurricane-Impacted Hospitals

annual enrollment period
The annual enrollment period (AEP) for Medicare, is quickly approaching, running from Thursday, October 15th to Monday, December 7th, and this period is the opportunity for Medicare beneficiaries to make certain changes to their Medicare coverage. Changes Available To Be Made During the Annual Enrollment Period, Medicare beneficiaries can make […]

The Annual Enrollment Period For Medicare Starts Soon