Kayla Gonzalez

About Kayla Gonzalez

Kayla Gonzalez is a graduate of Texas A&M University and joined the Empower Brokerage marketing team in early 2021. She creates content for the company websites and assists with various marketing campaigns. LinkedIn Profile

Cell phones have made such significant innovations and it seems everyone has one. A smartphone allows us to have everything at our disposal. We can watch a movie, read a book, catch up on the news, talk to loved ones, do some online shopping, pay bills, etc. at any point […]

Ways to Spend Less Time on Your Smartphone

communication between the generations
Having different communication styles is to be expected between people. It is all dependent on location, the way you grew up, cultural differences, etc. There is an added layer when you take into consideration generational differences. It is not only that there are different terms and communication styles, but there […]

Difference in Communication Between the Generations

Planning for retirement
Planning for Retirement Planning for retirement has a lot to do with saving money. The average American aged 40-60 has less than $100,000 saved for retirement and surveys have shown that $1.7 million is what is needed to retire comfortably. So, if that is what you want for your retirement, […]

Planning for Retirement

group and individual health insurance
The Differences Between Group and Individual Health Insurance Health insurance is so important, especially with rising health care costs. An extended hospital stay or procedure can set someone back financially a great amount. In the past, most people were content with getting their health insurance from their workplace. It was […]

The Differences Between Group and Individual Health Insurance

after the pandemic
We Should Continue These Things After the Pandemic With vaccine distribution starting, there is a glimmer of hope that things will eventually be somewhat back to normal. It is hard not to want to scream for joy at the thought of returning to pre-Covid times. However, I believe there are […]

We Should Continue These Things After the Pandemic

insurance united states
How Insurance Came to Be in the United States Insurance has been a system that is so present in everyday American life. We know we need it and most of us have it but have we ever thought about where it all began. We will be taking a look into […]

How Insurance Came to Be in the United States