We Should Continue These Things After the Pandemic

after the pandemic

We Should Continue These Things After the Pandemic

With vaccine distribution starting, there is a glimmer of hope that things will eventually be somewhat back to normal. It is hard not to want to scream for joy at the thought of returning to pre-Covid times. However, I believe there are some ways we had to learn to adapt to the circumstances that are good to continue. And I believe we should continue these things after the pandemic.

Remote Work

Once the pandemic started, those that could started working remotely. They eventually discovered that it was a much better situation than their usual workplace. This is because they were still able to be productive while watching and spending time with their children who were doing their own remote learning. It also takes away the commute which saves these employees time and money. With opening up, plenty of businesses have continued to allow working from home and it seems like a perfectly viable option that should continue post-Covid.

Wearing Masks

The fact that we would just walk around public spaces while we were sick is so wild. However, now that we know that masks prevent the spreading of viruses, we should consider making it a permanent thing for those that are  sick. There is also a level of accountability that comes along with wearing a mask. We are taking it into our own hands to care about the rest of the population by providing a barrier for germs. It is a notion that we could use more of.

Thanking Essential Workers

While some people had the luxury of staying home, there were others who were needed to perform essential functions that are necessary for everyday life to go on. We came to appreciate them through posts, hashtags, fundraisers, etc. However, we should not let that come to end just because we are getting back to normal. If anything, at least continue to have patience and respect which never goes out of style.

Hygiene and Sanitary Practices

In order to prevent the spread of the virus, we became well-versed with proper sanitary practices. Everything is sprayed and wiped down every hour or so. There are sanitizing stations at every entrance and throughout the businesses. We have also learned the proper way to wash our hands and that should definitely stick around after the pandemic.

Maintaining Connections

The isolation period of the pandemic took a huge toll on a lot of people. From one day being out in social settings then to suddenly being thrown into a lockdown it was tough. Luckily, most of us were able to figure out ways to keep in contact with those we cared about the most. We were the ones reaching out and checking in. That type of desire for socialization with our loved ones should not be forgotten.

Got Medicare Questions?

We hope this information on what we should continue after the pandemic is helpful to you.

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About Kayla Gonzalez

Kayla Gonzalez is a graduate of Texas A&M University and joined the Empower Brokerage marketing team in early 2021. She creates content for the company websites and assists with various marketing campaigns. LinkedIn Profile

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