Yearly Archives: 2020

New Stroke Guidelines
Concerns regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) are mounting, according to recent studies. This is due in part to the lack of testing on AI products already causing frightening errors to arise. IBM once boasted that its AI could “out-think cancer.” While bots are becoming increasingly smarter, can they overcome a fatal […]

Concerns Regarding Artificial Intelligence

Collagen Supplements
Anti-aging Collagen Supplements: bogus or legit Have you seen Collagen supplements in your local health food stores and thought “what’s this all about?” Collagen comes in the form of powders, pills, and creams. Countless manufacturers of collagen supplements claim anti-aging benefits. Everything from reducing wrinkles, joint pain relief, wound healing […]

Anti-aging Collagen Supplements: bogus or legit

fda recall antacid
FDA Recalls More Antacids After Carcinogen Detected The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced more recalls for Antacids after a cancer-causing carcinogen was detected. Zantac and other generic heartburn medications have been found to contain trace amounts of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The World Health Organization classifies NDMA as a “probable human […]

FDA Recalls More Antacids After Carcinogen Detected

Medicare PACE program
Medicare PACE program helps older adults The Medicaid and Medicare PACE program (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) provides a wide range of social and medical services at adult day health centers, inpatient facilities and at home. PACE participants are community-dwelling elderly individuals and are typically eligible for both […]

Medicare PACE program helps older adults

Gum Disease and Alzheimer
Gum Disease Bacteria Found in Alzheimer’s Brains A new study published in Science Advances suggests a possible link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s. Scientists studied dead and living patients with diagnosed and suspected Alzheimer’s. What they found was a molecule called gingipain (produced by gum bacteria) in nerve cells in […]

Gum Disease Bacteria Found in Alzheimer’s Brains