Social Security

Delaying retirement
Health and Financial Benefits of Delaying Retirement Retirement is a goal that everyone achieves in their own way, however, not everyone may be ready for retirement at age 65. While thinking about a retirement strategy, some may be eager to relax after many decades of working (no shame there!), but […]

Delaying Retirement Increases Wellness

2020 brings more private insurance plans. Private insurers are increasing their plan offerings for Medicare Advantage. Here’s why you need to look closely. Journalist Philip Moeller the author of the book, “Get What’s Yours for Medicare,” and co-author of “Get What’s Yours: The Revised Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security.” recently […]

Private insurers are increasing their plan offerings for Medicare Advantage

The core idea behind retirement is to relax after working hard, but you may be surprised to experience some newfound sources of stress. Retirement is a huge life transition, just as marriage, children, and starting a new career. With any of these transitions comes uncertainty. This major milestone may leave […]

Retirement Transition Struggles and How to Handle Them