
online shopping
More than half of my Christmas shopping this year was done from the comfort of my own home. As we are still amid a pandemic, online shopping has made holiday shopping easy and safe. In fact, it has become such a common practice that 54% of modern Americans claim that […]

Online Shopping Safely This Holiday Season

Trying Something New The turducken is a curious creation… a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey? Oh, and don’t forget to layer it with stuffing! Interestingly, I’ve never tried a turducken— but don’t worry— I plan to remedy that situation at this year’s Thanksgiving. The turducken can […]

The Turducken Tradition

Delaying retirement
Health and Financial Benefits of Delaying Retirement Retirement is a goal that everyone achieves in their own way, however, not everyone may be ready for retirement at age 65. While thinking about a retirement strategy, some may be eager to relax after many decades of working (no shame there!), but […]

Delaying Retirement Increases Wellness

Positive attitude towards aging
Attitudes Towards Aging Aging is an inevitable part of life. As you grow older, you will have developed your own attitudes and beliefs about your age, body, and mind. No matter your age, everyone will have their own ups and downs that they will have to navigate through. Your mindset […]

Aging With a Positive Mindset

blue light
What is blue light? Blue light is one of the colors in the light spectrum, the full light spectrum containing red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. You will get the most blue light exposure from the sun, but cell phone, computer, tablet, and television screens make a significant […]

How to Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light

EMDR therapy
What is EMDR therapy? EMDR therapy, formally known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, is a method of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals work through the traumatic events that contribute to the severity of PTSD, panic disorders, anxiety, and depression. Dr. Francine Shapiro was taking a walk one […]

Explaining EMDR Therapy

burning calories
Scared Sweetless  With the end of the year approaching, it can be tough to stick to a diet. To make things harder, the holidays kick off with Halloween, and so we’re prone to overindulging in candy and sweet treats. If that gets you down, you might find this information helpful. […]

Burning Calories Through Horror Movies

Medicare may provide coverage for Covid-19
Does Medicare Cover Covid-19? Medicare has released the new Medicare & You 2022 handbook. Looking through it, you’ll notice some new coverages and listed updates, including a section that details coverage for Covid-19 through the ongoing crisis. New coverages include vaccinations, testing, antibody testing, and monoclonal antibody treatment. Coverage for […]

Covid-19 Coverage Through Medicare