Kayla Gonzalez

About Kayla Gonzalez

Kayla Gonzalez is a graduate of Texas A&M University and joined the Empower Brokerage marketing team in early 2021. She creates content for the company websites and assists with various marketing campaigns. LinkedIn Profile

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, offers a different way for beneficiaries to receive their Medicare benefits. The federal government provides traditional Medicare to those eligible, while Medicare-approved private insurance companies offer Advantage plans. These plans provide hospital (Part A) and medical (Part B) coverage, even including prescription drug […]

Exploring the Flexibility and Extras of Medicare Advantage

As a senior citizen, you have seen the evolution of the digital age. With the introduction of flat-screen televisions, touchscreen cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and so much more, technology forces us to adapt or stay in the past. Because of those dramatic changes, it can seem impossible to keep up, […]

Seniors Using Technology for Better Health and Connection

For some, there is nothing more fulfilling than living a life where they are able to build a significant nest egg that they can use to spoil their grandchildren and live comfortably in their retirement. However, this likely concept allows senior citizens to become the target of elder financial abuse. […]

Protection From Elder Financial Abuse

The elderly dating scene has recently become a topic of interest as ABC announced its first season of The Golden Bachelor. With a twist on the classic Bachelor franchise, The Golden Bachelor will follow 71-year-old Gerry Turner as he dates a group of women and eventually gives his final rose to […]

Diving into Senior Dating

As you get older, your cognitive function can take a hit. While this decline may not stop entirely, there are ways to stimulate your brain so you maintain your reasoning skills and cognitive speed. Ultimately, your brain is like a muscle. And to maintain and grow your muscles, you must train […]

Brain Games Keep Minds Sharp

If you’re planning on traveling this summer, there are probably a lot of flights in your future. And it can be hard to give up control to pilots and flight crew when your flight anxiety kicks in. This predicament becomes especially difficult when the plane begins to experience turbulence. Turbulence […]

Curing Flight Anxiety