
Governor Greg Abbott announced last Tuesday that Texas’ COVID restrictions are loosening on March 10. According to the executive order signed by Abbott, all businesses will be allowed to open at full capacity for the first time in almost a year. In addition, the statewide mask mandate will end on […]

Texas’ COVID Restrictions are Loosening

These new unique mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may not only change the course of the pandemic but may also change the way vaccinations are produced in the years to come.  
The recent emergency approval and pending approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccinations provide hope that the coronavirus pandemic’s end is closer than ever before and signifies a significant step forward in medicine. These new unique mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may not only change the course of the pandemic but may […]

The Science of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 immunity passports could bring back the air-travel industry and stimulate the world economy, but at what cost?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole world, but several groups are fighting to bring a taste of normalcy back. One such group is fighting to institute COVID-19 immunity passports, electronic documents that show whether an individual has recently been infected, had contact with infected persons, taken a test, or […]

Countries Debate COVID-19 Immunity Passports