Medicine Cabinet: What You Need to Have in Your Closet

Medicine CabinetMedicine Cabinet: What You Need to Have in Your Closet

You’re at home and one of your friends accidentally cuts themselves. You look around your house but can’t find bandages. There’s no gauze. You want to clean the wound searching for hydrogen peroxide but can’t find any. This happens more frequently in households who are down on medical supplies. Did you know some people don’t even have a medicine pantry in their homes? It’s about time you fix this if you fall into that category. Do you know what is needed in your medicine cabinet? Today, we will be going over some of the top tools and first aid supplies you will eventually need in your home.

Bandaids for the Cabinet

The best advice for stocking your cabinet is always having band-aids, gauze, and peroxide available for any random cuts. Band-aids will prevent blood leaking from a wound, while gauze will stop the bleeding, and using peroxide keeps the cut from infection. Certain cuts and wounds need to be handled differently and healing varies. For more information, see the guide here. Aches come out of nowhere and hurt. Pushing through the pain can be rough, and it’s a good idea to keep some Tylenol or other painkillers in your cabinet. Feeling under the weather? It’s wise to always have a thermometer in your home to be able to check your temperature.

Cold Compress and Medicine

Ever get a black eye or a swollen muscle? It’s the perfect time to pull out the cold compress. Leave the bag in your freezer for emergencies so that it’s ready to soothe away your pain in a matter of minutes. Do you suffer from heartburn? Keeping antacids, such as tums give you the ability to fight back as soon as you feel your body begin to flare. Do you wake up from a rough cough throughout the night? Cough medicine helps suppress your cough and keep you asleep throughout the night. Having trouble sleeping? Look into buying melatonin, which helps relax your body for a good night’s rest.

Allergies, Congestion, and More

Keeping decongestants on hand is always useful for those days you’re stuffed up. From Advil to Mucinex, there are many over the counter decongestants that will do the job. Do your eyes get dry frequently? Keeping a bottle of eye solution for those moments of dryness really come in handy to restore clear vision. Last but not least allergy season seems to be year-round for different people. Keep a box of Sudafed in your possession or even Allegra.

We hope these tips help keep your medicine cabinet stocked with the best medications and supplies for any emergency.

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