Medicare Part D Penalties














Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. What does it all mean? Understanding the different parts of Medicare can often feel overwhelming, almost like learning a new language. At Empower Brokerage, our mission is to help you understand the different parts of Medicare.  In this article, we dive into Medicare Part D and provide updated information about Part D requirements, what Part D is, and how to avoid the late enrollment penalty. 

Medicare Part D

Medicare Part D covers prescription drug costs and is a benefit for those who already have both Medicare Part A and Part B. Private insurance companies administer Part D, so it is not a benefit you automatically receive when you sign up for Medicare like Part A and Part B. Part D is a critical component of your healthcare coverage, especially when it comes to managing prescription drug costs. Each plan covers different prescription medications. The comprehensive list of drugs covered is called a formulary. 

Late Enrollment Penalty

The late enrollment penalty is an additional amount added to your monthly premium if you miss your initial enrollment period. This penalty is permanent and can increase your healthcare costs significantly.

How To Calculate Your Penalty

The penalty amount varies depending on how long you went without creditable prescription drug coverage. To calculate your penalty, multiply 1% of the national base beneficiary premium ($34.70 in 2024) by the number of months you were without coverage. Add this amount to your monthly premium to find your new total cost. It is important to note that this penalty amount may increase each year.

Let us use an example. Alex has always prided himself on not taking any medications and waited until the last moment to sign up for coverage. Alex went 64 months without creditable prescription drug coverage. His penalty is calculated as follows:

– 1% of $34.70 (the national base beneficiary premium for 2024) is $0.3470.

– Multiply $0.3470 by 64 (the number of months Alex was without coverage) to get $22.21

– Since the monthly penalty is always rounded to the nearest $0.10, Alex will pay an additional $22.30 each month on top of his plan’s monthly premium.

How To Avoid a Late Enrollment Penalty

There are three primary ways to avoid this penalty:

  1. Join a Drug Plan During Your Initial Enrollment Period – Enroll in a Medicare drug plan before your initial enrollment period ends. Even if currently, you are not taking any medications, it is wise to have coverage in place. Both Medicare drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with drug coverage qualify as creditable coverage.
  2. Maintain Creditable Prescription Drug Coverage Through Your Employer – If you have prescription drug coverage through your employer, ensure it is considered creditable. Should you lose this coverage, you must enroll in a Medicare drug plan within 63 days to avoid a penalty.
  3. Keep Detailed Records of Your Coverage – If you have creditable drug coverage from a source other than Medicare, keep thorough records to prove your coverage and avoid penalty charges. This insurance can be VA coverage or coverage via your group health plan with a prescription drug component. 

Final Thoughts

Medicare Part D is a vital component of Medicare healthcare coverage, and this is especially true when it comes to managing prescription drug costs. By staying informed and enrolling on time, you can avoid penalties and ensure you have the coverage you need. Remember, whether it is understanding the intricacies of Medicare or selecting the right plan, Empower Brokerage is here to support you every step of the way. We are not just insurance agents; we are your health partners.

Got Medicare Questions?

We hope that this information on Medicare Part D is useful to you. This article was last updated on June 25, 2024.

If you want to learn about Medicare and Medicaid plans, click here. 

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