Macrominerals and Why You Need Them

Macrominerals and Why You Need Them


Our bodies need several essential minerals to function properly and maintain physiological processes, such as building bones and producing hormones. The difference in macrominerals and trace minerals is the amounts we need to function. Macrominerals are needed in larges doses while trace minerals are needed in small doses.

Seven Macrominerals

  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Chloride
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Sulfur
  • Phosphorus


Dark chocolate, peanut butter, and spinach are all high in magnesium. We use this mineral for metabolic processes, such as energy production. Also, magnesium is a structural component of our chromosomes and cells.


This macromineral is the main component of table salt. Sodium helps the nerves and muscles function, as well as controlling your body’s fluid. Furthermore, the kidneys monitor the amount of sodium in your body. Although sodium is necessary for our survival, too much of it can be detrimental to your health. High blood pressure occurs when there is too much sodium that the kidneys cannot get rid of. This can lead to heart disease, as well as blood clots.


Chloride works with sodium and potassium to help balance the body’s acids and bases. In other words, it is necessary for healthy pH balance. This electrolyte helps move fluids through the cells, and low levels of it can make you dehydrated and sick. When combined with hydrogen in the stomach, it creates hydrochloric acid which helps with digestion.


We need about 100 mg of potassium per day. Avocados, salmon, bananas, and potatoes are high in this mineral. Potassium helps support bone and muscle strength, as well as blood pressure. It decreases your chances of stroke and the possibility of kidney stones. Low potassium can result in lethargy, muscle cramps, and abdominal pain.


Calcium plays a key role in building bones and teeth, which is why it is the most plentiful mineral in the body. Other roles calcium plays are sending/receiving nerve signals, helping your blood clot, regulating heartbeat, and releasing hormones. Cheese, almonds, and milk all contain calcium.


Our skin, muscles, and bones contain most of the sulfur in our bodies. It is the third most abundant mineral in the body. Sulfur is a main component in two different amino acids, methionine, and cysteine. These amino acids play key roles in the body’s proteins. Sulfur is also an antioxidant, and therefore is important for detoxification.


This macromineral is used for the growth and repair of body cells and tissues. Like calcium, the largest amount of it resides in our bones and teeth. Some roles phosphorus helps with are strengthening bones, energy production, and pH regulation.

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