How to Ease Your Heartburn

How to Ease Your Heartburn

If you struggle with heartburn, you’re already very familiar with the nasty burning sensation that can happen after you eat. You can take comfort in knowing you’re not the only one. More than 60 million Americans experience this acid reflux symptom at least once a month, and 15 million feel it every single day.

What exactly is heartburn? It occurs when the acidic contents of your stomach back up (or reflux) into the esophagus and cause a painful burning feeling.

If you’ve had heartburn before, you may have tried to be mindful of your eating habits to avoid triggering symptoms. That might mean eating slower, avoiding late-night meals, or at least leaving a major gap between your last snack and bedtime. Other things to avoid are fatty, greasy, sweet, caffeinated, and acidic foods, which are notorious for triggering heartburn symptoms.

  • Watch What You Eat

    • For breakfast, a good option is oatmeal. It is high in fiber, filling, and low in fat, and won’t cause acid reflux.
    • As an anti-inflammatory, ginger is an age-old remedy for stomach problems of all kinds.
    • Fennel is a crunchy vegetable known for improving stomach function.
    • Beans are a great source of protein and fiber, and a good alternative to fatty meat, which can trigger acid reflux.
    • A salad is an excellent choice if you are reflux-prone. Although, when mixing items into your salad, avoid tomatoes, onions, and high-fat dressings and toppings.
    • Brown rice is a healthy whole grain that adds fiber to help curb heartburn.
    • Parsley helps settle the stomach and aids digestion.

To avoid heartburn, avoid fatty foods, and replace them with low-fat options. Swap dark meat with light, skip or reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Work on your portion control to avoid overeating, which puts pressure on the valve between your stomach and esophagus. This forces the stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus.

  • Other Ways to Reduce Heartburn Include:

    • Going on walks after you eat to help you digest.
    • Prop yourself up with pillows when you sleep. A good 6-8 inches helps to avoid reflux.
    • Don’t smoke. Smoking irritates your gastrointestinal tract.

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