4 Easy Exercises for Seniors

4 Easy Exercises for Seniors

Throughout our lives, our parents, doctors, and P.E. coaches constantly told us that exercise is crucial to staying healthy. And while we were kids, it was quite easy to play outside and get that movement going. When you grow older, exercise becomes more important, but it also becomes more difficult.

Our bodies tend to slow down, and that means exercising as a senior looks a little different than when you were younger, and the goal of those exercises changes. Continue reading to learn a few low-impact exercises that benefit seniors.

The Top 4 exercises that benefit seniors


If you’re looking for a way to get your heart rate pumping, you should start by walking! Walking is a great way to increase heart rate, and in doing so, improves cardiovascular health and overall stamina. And not only is walking great for your heart, but it also has benefits for other parts of your body. An NPR study showed that brisk walkers who moved at a pace of about three miles per hour were 90% more likely to be free of diabetes and kidney disease. Since walking is low impact, it is ideal for seniors with joint and movement issues.

Strength Training

Per the CDC, strength training a few times a week highly benefits seniors as it helps maintain muscle mass, improve bone density, and enhance overall strength and mobility. And don’t worry, you don’t have to train like a bodybuilder. Instead, you can simply lift handheld weights, like 5-20 lbs.), or you can do bodyweight workouts like wall push-ups, where you stand a few feet from a wall, place your palms comfortably on the wall, and do push-ups from this angle.


The CDC reports that nearly 2.5 million older Americans receive treatment for injuries caused by falling every year. Practicing yoga, however, can improve flexibility, balance, and strength, which are crucial for preventing falls and maintaining mobility. Additionally, yoga promotes relaxation and mental well-being and may reduce senior stress and anxiety. And with their breathing techniques, you will notice improved respiratory function.


As you get older, unfortunately, you do find your body becoming a little stiffer. However, daily stretching helps maintain your range of motion. Regular stretching can alleviate joint pain, improve circulation, and prevent injuries by keeping muscles and tendons limber. Keep it simple by trying to touch your toes or reaching each arm up into the air and breathing in and out as you stretch and relax.

By the time you are in your 70s, your muscle strength has declined roughly 25% from what it was in your 30s.

Stay strong and healthy by incorporating these simple exercises into your everyday routine.

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Article updated on 5/16/2024.

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