GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan

hospital indemnity

Medical bills can pile up quickly from emergency services and hospital stays. Even with the advent of Medicare Advantage, this financial burden can be overwhelming, causing stress and anxiety during an already challenging time. But what if there was a way to spare your pocket and mind from worry? Imagine having the peace of mind that an unexpected hospital stay would not drain your savings. GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan offers a comprehensive solution to bridge these coverage gaps. It protects you from out-of-pocket expenses, allowing you to focus on your recovery without the added worry of mounting medical bills. For as little as $22 a month, GTL’s plan ensures that you are financially prepared for any medical emergency, giving you the confidence and security you deserve.

Hospital Indemnity Coverage Could Help You

Depending on the selected plan, GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan covers between $100 and $750 ($2500 max for the 1-day policy) per day for out-of-pocket expenses. Clients have the flexibility to choose from benefit periods of 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 15 days, which are restored after 60 days without hospitalization. If you are hospitalized again after two months, your GTL plan kicks in, ensuring ongoing protection. Payments are sent directly to clients, empowering them with the freedom to use the funds as they see fit.

GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan offers several optional benefit riders, including:

  • Short Duration Hospital Stay Benefit: Covers hospital stays between 6 and 24 hours.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Provides $175 per day for up to seven days of hospital confinement for mental or nervous disorders.
  • Ambulance Benefit Rider: Pays $50 to $400 per trip, up to 12 trips.
  • Outpatient Therapy Benefit Rider: Covers $50 per day for outpatient therapies.
  • Lump Sum Cancer Rider: Pays a chosen benefit amount upon a cancer diagnosis.
  • Dental and Vision Rider: Provides an annual benefit for dental and vision services.

GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan is guaranteed issue for clients aged 64 ½ to 70 and is renewable for life as long as premiums are paid. GTL is known for its rate stability, ensuring that premiums remain predictable and affordable over time.

This level of customizable coverage is designed to give clients control over their healthcare finances, providing peace of mind and financial stability when needed most.

Great With Medicare Advantage

GTL’s Hospital Indemnity Plan significantly enhances Medicare Advantage by mitigating the risk of out-of-pocket expenses. This plan allows beneficiaries to focus on recovery instead of financial worries during unexpected hospital stays.

To learn more about how a GTL Hospital Indemnity plan can benefit your clients, contact our Senior Product Specialist.

John Shinn


Medicare Questions?

If you have questions about your Medicare Advantage coverage, call Empower today. Let our licensed agents help you stay on top of your health and get you back to the activities you enjoy the most. 1-888-446-9157 or click here to get an INSTANT QUOTE

This article was updated on July, 8th 2024.

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