4 Tips to Help Protect Yourself from Overexposure to the Summer Heat

The summertime is full of family vacations, fun in the sun, and relaxation. However, staying out in the summer heat can be more dangerous than you think, especially if you live further down south where temperatures can rise to over 105 degrees. Since we began documenting global average temperature records in 1880, the temperatures have skyrocketed to all-time highs in 2016 and 2017. Planes in Arizona can’t even fly because of such high temperatures. These circumstances have resulted in thousands of people dying each year due to heat exhaustion, cardiac arrest, hyperthermia, and many other symptoms of overexposure to the summer heat. The most common heat-related death occurs from heat strokes. Below are several ways you can protect yourself.

1. Drink Lots of Water

The longer your body is outside and exposed to the heat the more your body works to cool itself down by sweating. If you perspire more than usual, make sure to drink as much fluid as you can during hot, humid days, even if you aren’t necessarily thirsty.

2. Don’t Drink Alcoholic Beverages or Beverages that Contain Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine both dehydrate your body and speed up fluid loss. If you’re going out to drink, make sure you’re in an air-conditioned area. Additionally, don’t forget to drink water so that you don’t get dehydrated.

3. Wear Loose and Light Clothing

It can get uncomfortable outside when you’re bundled up in a bunch of clothes that make you hotter. Wearing light and loose clothing will allow your skin to breathe and feel the cool air from an air conditioner or a rare cool breeze.

4. Wear Lots of Sunscreen

Sometimes when you’re under the sun it can initially be difficult to notice the sun’s harmful UV rays. It’s not until later that you feel the burning sensation of the day’s activities on your skin. In some cases, overexposure to UV light can lead to first or second-degree burns.


Unfortunately, we can’t just simply run away from Mother Nature and its punishing weather. But we can do everything we can to prevent it from negatively affecting us. Stay cool and safe this summer!

If you do experience a heat stroke, be sure to seek medical attention immediately. When you encounter a medical emergency like a heat stroke, the last thing on your mind is making sure you remain in your hospital network. Last year, people who were insured received surprising bills for going to a medical facility outside of their network. To avoid unexpected expenses, make sure you know what your health insurance covers. Contact a licensed agent today, and they’ll answer any questions you may have.

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We hope that this information on protecting yourself from summer heat is useful to you.

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