DeWayne Long, the National Sales Director at Empower Brokerage, along with John Shinn, Senior Products Specialist, once again journeyed to the Orlando theme park to help educate their senior employees (aged 60+) about their Medicare options.
Universal Studios insures over twenty-six thousand employees with Cigna Group Health Insurance. Of those twenty-six thousand employees, over one thousand are actively working senior-aged employees who will lose their group insurance after retirement. Universal Studios is committed to helping their senior workers prepare for post-retirement.
Long and Shinn held two informational presentations for Universal Studios’ senior employees. As a brokerage, Empower was better positioned to provide information on all carriers from all states versus a single carrier who could only provide options from one company. Many of Universal Studios’ senior workers are not native Floridians and do not plan to stay in Florida after retirement. Having the experience and knowledge to answer all questions about multiple products from multiple states was what attracted Universal Studios to Empower. “It was a huge compliment to be invited back to Universal Studios. The level of care they have for their employees was impressive,” said John Shinn.
January kicked off this new collaboration between Empower Brokerage and Universal Studios. You can read more about that here.
Topics Covered During Universal Seminars
- What is Medicare, MAPD, PDP, and Medigap?
- What is the Annual Election Period?
- How does Medicare Advantage work?
- How does Medicare Supplement work?
- An easy way to know which choices you should make.
- When you can apply for various benefits.
- The top 10 Medicare mistakes people make.
- Missed deadlines, unnecessary costs, & discounts.
Positive Feedback
Sue Steck, VP of Human Resources for Universal Studios in Orlando, said that the feedback from participants was extremely positive. She thanked Long and Shinn again for two great presentations and good information shared with those in attendance.
“I want to thank you and John for taking time to present to 70+ Universal Orlando Team Members very valuable information regarding Medicare. Being able to provide this information to our Team Members is another way that we can enhance their knowledge on the various options that they will have once they decide that they wish to retire. The meetings were informative and very engaging…as you could tell by the dozens of questions that were asked. I received many ‘thank you for bringing this presentation to us’ comments. Looking forward to being able to get together again!!”
Got Medicare Questions?
Call Empower today and let us help you with your Medicare questions.