Why You Need a Password Manager

Why You Need a Password Manager

Why You Need a Password Manager

Keeping track of dozens of website passwords is frustrating and time-consuming. Think of all the time wasted hunting for a username or a forgotten password. In addition, the majority of people use very weak passwords and reuse those same weak passwords on every website they use. This is a huge online security risk that far too many of us are guilty of. For example, if you use the same login information everywhere, a security breach at one website could give people access to all your accounts including email, PayPal, or your online banking account.


How are we supposed to remember strong, unique passwords that contain numbers and symbols on every single website we use? The solution is a password manager.

No one likes the inconvenience of usernames, passwords, and pin numbers, but the reality is they are here to stay. To make life easier for yourself, it might be time to embrace password managers. Password Managers, such as LastPass, 1Password, Sticky Password, or Dashlane, store your encrypted login information for all the websites you use. They generate secure, impossible-to-guess passwords, and remember them for you by automatically entering them when you log into a website.

Of the Password Managers listed above, Lastpass is the one we are most familiar with here at Empower. It’s a straightforward, user-friendly tool that many of our agents use for both personal and business use. LastPass offers a free service as well as a premium service with more features for $3 a month.

How It Works

After downloading LastPass, you’ll see the LastPass button img-icon-lp-chrome-button-2x-png in your browser toolbar. This button is where you log in to LastPass every day. Next, create your account with one long, secure master password. Make sure it’s memorable because the master password is the only one you will have to remember. Finally, start adding sites to your vault. Lastpass will prompt you to save sites to your vault as you log in, or you can enter them manually. There’s also an option to import sites from your email. LastPass’s built-in password generator will create long, randomized passwords that protect you from being hacked. LastPass will fill in your logins when you visit a website, and the best part is you never have to worry about forgetting a password.


Is LastPass Safe?

Think of a password manager as a notebook of your passwords locked by a master key that only you know. Your data is encrypted and decrypted at the device level. Data stored in your vault is kept secret, even from LastPass. Your master password, and the keys used to encrypt and decrypt data, are never sent to LastPass’ servers and are never accessible by LastPass. Lastpass servers only receive a heavily encrypted data “blob”, so even if LastPass is hacked your information is still safe from decryption.


Medicare Questions?

We understand how frustrating creating and remembering usernames and passwords can be. We hope these tips for why you need a password manager helps you take a bit of hassle out of life.

If you have questions about your Medicare coverage, call Empower today. Let us help with your Medicare questions so you can get back to the activities you enjoy the most: savoring those sips of your favorite java. 1-888-446-9157 or click here to get an INSTANT QUOTE

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