4 Trips To Take In Retirement

4 Trips To Take In Retirement

No more waiting for your annual vacation! You are retired — and if you’re reading this, you probably love to travel. In fact, according to AARP’s 2017 survey, travel is at the top of 83 percent of Baby Boomers’ bucket lists. Once the realization sets in that you’re actually free and have time, energy, and a travel budget, your next step is planning a few trips.

Whether you want rest or excitement, solitude or crowds, low cost or luxury, there’s a trip that will get you on the road to fun retirement travel. Here are some ideas that range from relaxing to adventurous, cost-conscious to extravagant, with a few in between.

1. Blue Ridge Parkway

For those interested in an exciting and beautiful road trip, Blue Ridge Parkway is the trip for you. Blue Ridge is referred to as, “America’s Favorite Drive.” It spans 469 miles and joins Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in North Carolina. It ranges in elevation, from 3,000-4,000 feet and offers extraordinary views.

You can drive or hike the trail if you are interested in exploring further. Along the way, you will find campgrounds, upscale log homes, and other lodgings available for overnight stays. Enjoy traditional music, culture, history, and nature along the way.

2. Ireland

If you’re looking for lush green scenery, fun pubs, and friendly people, Ireland is your next stop. Start in Dublin, where you can visit Trinity College to admire the architecture and ancient manuscripts. Visit Guinness Storehouse to pour a proper pint and enjoy a 360-degree view of the city.

Join a pub crawl and hear traditional Irish music while you check out the lively bar scene. If you plan to drive, remember that you’ll be on the left side of the road, and vehicles have right-hand drive — a bit confusing, especially with a standard shift car. Opt for an automatic vehicle or a driver for comfortable, safer touring.

3. Sicily

This island just off Italy’s toe is another exciting location. Many Italian-Americans trace their roots to Sicily as a result of migrations that occurred in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Palermo, Sicily’s capital, is a lively city with colorful outdoor markets, spectacular cathedrals, and delectable street foods, including arancini (fried rice balls). Enjoy them with Sicilian wines, many from vineyards near Mt. Etna, Sicily’s active volcano.

Miles of gorgeous coast and beaches, impressive architecture, delicious fresh seafood, and friendly people are just a few reasons to visit Sicily. Travel between cities can be managed by train, bus, car, or private driver.

4. U.S. Coast-to-Coast Road Trip

If you’ve ever wanted to visit our nation from coast-to-coast, now is your chance! There are so many sights to see and so many ways to drive across America. Of course, you can take Route 66 between Chicago and Los Angeles. For nostalgia, small towns, kitschy landmarks, and a view of the Grand Canyon, this is the way to go.

Or try the southern route linking San Diego, California, and Savannah, Georgia, passing through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Cutting across the middle on Route 50 linking Maryland and Northern California, you’ll see the Sierra Nevada, Appalachian, and the Rocky Mountains, deserts, plains, and farmland. Washington D.C., the world’s tallest arch in St. Louis, and Lake Tahoe are among the coolest sights on this route.

So, grab a map and a traveling companion and plan your cross-country trip. Renting a one-way vehicle and flying back could be just the ticket.

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